
a little bit of both

First off, Lucy loves to play with hair. It's a characteristic of hers that I love, because I love to have my hair played with. The other day I found her showing her doll the same affection I get.
Isn't she the sweetest?

Also, I have started to realize lately that I shelter and protect my kids a little too much. I do too many things for them. So I decided to let them have a little more freedom, with parental supervision, of course.

He made lunch all by himself. He was so proud.

(Notice that there is no peanut butter on these pb&j's? Yeah, I'm still too afraid to give that to them after the salmonella incidents.)


Delirious said...

Maybe she will be a beautician! :)

Taylor said...

So are you in Rigby or Rexburg now? I can't keep up with you. Did you find a good place?

Karen said...

Kurtis you can come make me lunch anytime!

Shayla said...

She IS the sweetest... & teach me to make non-peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, genius! Call me soon, we're pretty open...